Let AI Pick Your Perfect Self-Directed Solution!

Self-Directed Health Savings Account (HSA)

Health Savings Account

The IRA Financial Trust Company offers one of the country’s only “Checkbook Control” Self-Directed Health Savings Accounts (HSA). With IRA Financial Group & IRA Financial Trust Company, you can establish and fund a Health Savings Account while gaining the ability to invest in what you know. This includes real estate, notes, private businesses, options, and […]

SIMPLE IRA Plan In a Nutshell


A Self-Directed IRA is a type of IRA structure that allows the IRA holder (you) to have more control over your retirement funds. Unknown to some, not all Self-Directed IRAs are the same. The IRS allows you to use your Individual Retirement Account to make traditional investments. This includes stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Fewer […]

SEP IRA Self-Directed Plan in a Nutshell


SEP IRA  A Self-Directed IRA is a type of IRA structure that allows the IRA holder (you) to control over your retirement funds. But did you know that not all Self-Directed IRAs are the same? Most individuals know the IRS allows you to use your IRA to make traditional investments, such as stocks and mutual […]

Checkbook Control Self-Directed IRA – The Law

Checkbook Control

Checkbook Control  The ability to invest retirement funds in a newly established special purpose entity that the IRA owns 100% of, and is managed by the IRA holder is legal by the Tax Court and IRS (Internal Revenue Service). It has been legal for over 18 years. However, only recently did the Tax Court confirm […]

IRS Form 5498 Changes -2015 & Beyond

IRS Form 5498

IRS Form 5498 will change from Tax Year 2015 and beyond. The IRS now requires IRA custodians to separately specify transactions on certain investments.

Self-Directed IRA Investment Options

Self-Directed IRA investment

Self-directed IRA investment options are more diverse than a traditional IRA. This is because you can make alternative asset investments as well as traditional asset investments. Learn more.