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Pocket 401(k) Investing is the Future

pocket 401(k)

What is the “Pocket 401(k)?” The IRA Financial Pocket 401(k) is essentially a Solo 401(k) in the palm of your hands.  The Solo 401(k) is an IRS-approved retirement account designed specifically for self-employed individuals.  No longer are you stuck in investing in the traditional assets most financial institutions offer.  These are generally limited to stocks, […]

Solo 401(k) for Everyone – Even You!

Solo 401(k) for everyone

Solo 401(k) for Everyone The Solo 401(k) is the best retirement plan for self-employed individuals.  We think everyone should have one!  In the following, we’ll discuss how a “Solo 401(k) for everyone” is possible.  You don’t need to start your own business.  You don’t need to make a ton of money.  All you need is […]

Solo 401(k) vs. IRA – Which is Better?

Solo 401(k) vs. IRA

When choosing between a Solo 401(k) vs. an IRA, there are many important factors to consider.  Most importantly are the eligibility requirements.  As long as you have earned income in a given year, you can contribute to an IRA.  However, to fund a Solo 401(k), you must have some type of self-employed income.  This can […]